Monday, March 16, 2015

Kayla Bartok- last post

Kayla Bartok
Blog #3

  Yesterday was our last day in Greece and it was a great last day.  We didn't have to wake up super early like all of the other days, which was nice.  We first went to the Olympicos soccer stadium which I was really interested in because I love soccer and I play for LaRoche.  We got a tour of the museum and we were able to learn about the history of the team and see all of the trophies that they have won.  We also learned about gate 7 where 21 fan died at the stadium.  Then after the tour of the museum we went to the stadium and got to walk down by the field.  The field was amazing because it was all grass and not turf.  I took so many pictures with the other soccer girls that came on the trip.  
    After seeing the stadium we were able to see the home teams locker room but we could not take any pictures.  It was amazing, with the really nice seats, hot tub, and lockers that the players used.  Then we went to the soccer store and I wasn't planning on spending any more money but I had to get stuff because everything was buy one get one free.  I think touring the stadium was one of my favorite parts of the trip.
   The rest of the day we had some free time and got a tour of the acropolis which had a great view.  The tour guy told us so much information that it was hard to keep up but I still learned a lot about the acropolis and the city of Athens.  During our tour we saw some teenage soccer players doing tricks and they were really good.  It was nice to see kids about my age that have a common interest as me.
   Now we are on our way back to Pittsburgh.  I wish we could have stayed in Greece longer but it still feels good to come home to see my family and friends.  This was a once in a lifetime trip for me and it was an amazing experience.  I am so great full that I was able to go on this trip and that LaRoche college made it possible and we had a great instructor to come with us on the trip.  Thank you :)

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