Mareya Justice
This morning we woke up in Tolo to a beautiful sunrise. Our hotel rooms had balconies which overlooked the Aegean Sea. There were boats docked along the water which was very clear. After taking many photographs and capturing the view we then gathered on the bus and headed out for the day. The day consisted of touring two archeological sites. The first we visited was the the Theatre of Antiquity which was the place where comedy and tragedy theatre was held. Andy, our tour guide gave us some background information and demonstrated how the sound of the performance traveled throughout the theatre. Our next stop was the Acropolis of Mycenae, known as the top of the Mycenaean village. This was once considered a religious center because the Greeks believed that the higher up you were the closer you were to the Gods. After touring the two sites we drove into the city of Corinth. We ate lunch at the canal which was the body of water that connected the aionthian sea and the Corinthian Gulf. We are now headed to check in at our hotel in Athens.
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