Monday, March 9, 2015

Lindsey McKay

Lindsey McKay

Today, we woke up around 7am and got ready to leave Delphi to start our journey to Olympia. The drive was pretty extensive. Slept a ton on the bus ride. We made one pit stop before we stopped at an olive and olive oil place famous for having very delicious products. Here we got to sample different oils and olive, along with a little wine. After the demonstration we got to walk around the store and shop. I bought some oils and olives to bring home. Then we got back onto the bus and made our way to the Olympic stadium ruins. When we got to the ruins, it was amazing to see how little was left, but how much they could keep restored. We saw where the gymnasium was, where they lit the torch, and the old track. Our tour guide Andy told us so,ex facts like how when Zeus was born there were 5 gods that kept him safe from his father killing him and that this is why there are 5 rings that represent the 5 rings in the Olympics. Some if the kids in the class raced on the track, but I just watched. It was funny. While they raced I took the opportunity to take a picture under the arch that lead to the track. After our exploration, we walked to the museum and saw some statues of Zeus and Hermes. The statue of Hermes showed him carrying Dionysius who is reaching out for grapes and just so happens to be the future god of wine. What a surprise, haha!! We then proceeded to a small restaurant to eat lunch. I got a gyro and it was amazing. We then got onto the bus and started making our way to Tolo. Overall, the day was a huge learning experience. I am very exhausted for the long bus drive. 

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